viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

Halloween Excercises

1.- Find out the price of Disney’s Halloween party for this year at Disney Resort Paris.
-Ticket price: £25 (adult or child), free for kids under 3 years old.

2.- Get the price and the cover (image of the film) of a famous American movie called Halloween Resurrection. There is a special offer at the moment!!!

-price 7.75 dollars.

3.-There is a radio station which broadcast typical creepy and horror songs all day long. Get the website address and 3 tittles of songs related with Halloween.


-Michael Jackson: Thriller
- Panic at the Disco: This is Halloween
-Vic Mizzy: The Adams Family

4.- Find an easy joke in English which has to do with Halloween (You can get some at a widely known "holiday spot")

-Why didn't the skeleton dance at the party? He had no body to dance with.
-Why can't the boy ghost have babies? Because he has a Hallo-weenie.

5.- Embed a creepy video about some interesting Halloween scene.

- scene is when the zombies appear)

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

Welcome to ``My Planet,My Space´´ (exercise number 1)

My name is Debora
I am 17 and I live in Mompia

My numer one of everything

-Colour: pink
-Possesion: my soft toys
-Time of the day: at night
-Season of the year: Summer and Winter
-Fragance: Lilly Vainilla
-Writer: Federico Moccia
-Fictional character: Homer Simpson
-Music group\artist: El sueño de Morfeo
-TV show: Big Brother
-Film\movie: Titanic
-Actor\actress: Orlando Bloom\Kate Hudson
-Time in history: the Middle Ages
-Place: United States\London\Italy\Mexico
-Food: my croquettes
-Sports: rowing and ice-skating

Here is some information about me:

-I love my boyfriend but I hate my cousin Angela
-The person\thing,who \which annoys me most is my father
-Sometimes,I am scared of the darkness
-If I were and animal,I would be a monkey
-My best friend would describe me as a girl who is crazy but trust worthy
-If I could change my name,it would be Henar or Tatiana
-My idea of happiness is have people who love me near me
-My idea of misery is haven´t got nothing
-I can´t resist me to the food
-My favourite words in the world are ``CARPE DIEM´´
-My aim in life is be happy in every way
-My message to the world ``Live your life if it were the latest